Severe back pain in a 47 year old woman

In February of 2007, after living with severe pain for over 4 yrs, I found Dr. Schubiner and his Mind Body Program.

In the last four years I have had several diagnostic tests, including 2 MRI’s, a CT scan, a discogram, and a nerve conduction test. I was told I have 3 bulging discs, spinal stenosis which was impinging on my sciatic nerve and degenerative disc disease, osteoarthritis, and radiculopathy. I tried physical therapy but it didn’t’ help.

After all these tests and diagnoses, I was still in pain and nothing had changed. My family doctor referred me to a pain clinic because the medications she felt comfortable prescribing worked no better than candy. At the pain clinic, I was placed on oxycontin and was referred to a back surgeon for repair of my sciatic nerve.

After the surgery, the sciatic pain was relieved but the lower back pain became more and more intense. I tried every other therapy that existed. I had at least a dozen injections in my spine. I even had a rhizotomy (a procedure that involves sticking a probe into the medical branch nerve and literally frying it at a high temperature to kill the nerve temporarily), but nothing seemed to work, I spent thousands and thousands of dollars and my pain was only worse.

At this point, any attempt to control my pain with meds was getting harder and harder because of the bodies ability to build a tolerance to them. By the time I saw Dr. Schubiner and was diagnosed with TMS, I was on 120 mgs of morphine a day and still in severe pain. I put so much faith in him that I didn’t know what I was going to do if he couldn’t help me.

Dr. Schubiner gave me a list of books to read and before I finished the second book my back pain had changed. It wasn’t quite as severe, and it felt somehow different.

I decided to take Dr. Schubiner’s TMS workshop and it SAVED MY LIFE!! After one workshop my pain in my lower back and leg was completely GONE for the first time in over 4 years. Out of the blue, I developed neck pain so bad that I called Dr. Schubiner, and he assured me that the mind often looks for another place to produce pain when the treatment for TMS is starting to work. He told me to recognize what was going on and to continue to believe and work with the program. That’s what I did.

By the second week I was in NO PAIN in my lower back and legs, and the neck pain was diminishing. I was concerned that the morphine I was taking for pain was not giving me a true test of how much pain I was in. I felt the morphine could block less severe back pain and make me think I had none. I went to a specialist and went off my morphine and onto another med that isn’t for pain but for the withdrawal of the morphine.

By the third workshop I had been off the morphine for 4 days, and I was still pain free. I get aches and pains, we all do, but NOT like what I lived with in the last 4 years. Dr. Schubiner saved my life and I can’t tell you all how WONDERFUL IT IS!!

Before I took this program, I read the reviews from other people who had taken the course and I was so skeptical. But I wanted to be cured so bad I would have tried anything at that point. I really need to tell you that this program is for real.

I do have one suggestion. If you’re going to take the workshop, give it YOUR ALL. Don’t go into it half heartedly. If you do, you will get half hearted results. I’m pleased to be able to share this with all of you and give you hope.

Connie F.